Thursday, September 9, 2010

Barefoot Hike up Mount Manzol

As it's a barefoot hike there's lots of feet in it. But I did wash them beforehand.


4 Winds said...

Awesome stuff, Woozle. I doff my cap to you, sir. Shame we've got to wait till next year for another barefoot adventure. Take care!


Unknown said...

Pretty impressive! Nice looking B&B too!

go along said...

It looks easy! were your feet not stiff and cold walking for hours on the cold ground?

Woozle said...

Jeez, three comments. Luxury. Thanks guys.
Go along. It IS easy. It takes a bit of minimal preparation but it's no problem at all. Cold feet at the start I get round using a beanie and a fleece which seem to do the the trick and very soon the ground warms up anyway. Actually, strangely I must admit, rather than getting stiff, your feet get much more relaxed. It's an all round tonic. Not sure about doing it on snow though :D