Not that far away, only an hour's walk up but unless it's sunday lunchtime it's totally deserted and the views, which didn't come across terrible well in the vid, are fantastic. Thanks for the comments
I'm an English ex-pat and together with my wife and two chldren (dog and five cats too) run a small B&B called La Vignassa in the foothills of the Italian alps in a place called Torre Pellice. The House, which dates from the early 1600s is tucked away in the woods at the end of a private gravel road so life is peaceful and unhurried.
I used to be a translator/teacher but thankfully managed to give it all up to learn a bit of building and do-up the house. This took me about 4 years and it was great fun. Now we are up and running i'm starting to sort out the two and a half acres of land which surround the house. I live in a lovely area and have a lovely family and a lovely house surrounded by lots of interesting people and places and as i love writing and particularly ranting it seemed a shame to keep it all for myself hence this blog.
Nice spot to wild camp. The dawn was superb. Cheers for sharing that.
Now THAT's a wild camp!
Not that far away, only an hour's walk up but unless it's sunday lunchtime it's totally deserted and the views, which didn't come across terrible well in the vid, are fantastic.
Thanks for the comments
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